[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Children get sick more often than adults because their immune systems are not as developed. At schools and daycare centers, they are in close contact with one another, increasing the odds of sharing germs and infections. Parents can...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A special thank you to the individuals that helped this past Saturday helping our community youth at the Lawton YMCA Healthy Kids Day! There were hundreds of children and parents that turned out. LCHC Pediatrics/T-SET/CCMH Outreach...
Cesarean Awareness Month When it comes to childbirth, there are many factors that contribute to the method by which a baby is delivered. What can be a time of excitement and joy, can also be a time of uncertainty and fear when the term “Cesarean” is brought into the...
Preparing for Delivery If you were to ask a mother if childbirth was at all like it is on TV, she would probably say “absolutely not”. The rushing around the house, throwing things into the car, and the sudden onset of labor are not as realistic or common as TV shows...
Safe Infant Sleep Becoming a parent for the first time is a whirlwind. Between organizing doctor’s visits, taking vitamins, picking out strollers, and baby-proofing the home, there are a lot of things to get into order before ever bringing a baby home. A top priority...
RSV Season: Keeping Infants Safe The start of the cooler seasons brings the onset of cold, flu, and other illness outbreaks. One outbreak, in particular, poses a significant threat to infants. Though RSV can appear as a common or mild cold, it can be dangerous to...