by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 21, 2022 | CCMH Community, CCMH Providers, Community Health, Healthy Living, Heart and Vascular, Pediatrics, Uncategorized
Celebrate Youth Sports Week July 20-26 is named Youth Sports Week. It is dedicated to bringing awareness to fitness for children. Additionally, it promotes the importance of youth sports and encourages local municipalities to continue their youth sports programs....
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jun 23, 2022 | Community Health, Diabetic Care, Healthy Living, Heart and Vascular
Fit Fitness In Physical fitness is the ability of your body’s systems to work together in tandem toward the goal of efficiency and performance. When we think about being fit, we often think of bodybuilders or people who spend hours at the gym as part of an...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jun 21, 2022 | Awards and Recognition, Heart and Vascular
CCMH has been nationally. recognized by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association for their exceptional care for resuscitation and stroke from the Emergency Department to discharge as well as cardiovascular care. The Gold Award status...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | May 20, 2022 | CCMH Community, Community Health, Healthy Living, Heart and Vascular, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
5 Bicycle Benefits The weather is warming up and we are thinking of more ways to get outside, stay active, and enjoy nature. This week is recognized as National Bike to Work Week. While your work commute is too far to bike, or you may be working from home, this week...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | May 13, 2022 | Community Health, Drewry Family Emergency Center, Healthy Living, Heart and Vascular
Healthy Choices for Stroke Prevention Adults make nearly 35,000 choices daily. The kinds of choices we make can affect everything from how long we choose to brush our teeth to what shoes to wear. During the month of May, we recognize stroke awareness and how the...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Mar 1, 2022 | Heart and Vascular
Cardiovascular disease can take many forms, including Coronary Artery Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Arrhythmia and Vascular Disease. People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. These diseases and other issues with...