Runya Faesser, Daisy Award Winner Runya embodies the epitome of dedication and compassion in her role as a nurse. Her commitment to her patients knows no bounds, as she navigates the intricate web of paperwork and communication with insurance companies to ensure her...
Trenton Lambert was presented with the Rising Star Award. Trenton is an AUA in the ER, and on January 15th, his experience and fast actions helped a patient who came to the ER having the worst day of her life. Trenton was helping out in the lobby when asked to help...
“I have had the privilege of working with Tori since we both started our journey as new nurses. We have struggled and grown together in so many ways the past few months. Tori is the definition of kindness in all that she does. I have never met a more caring person...
Congratulations to Lauren Pride and Ashanti Edmond, Rising Star Winners. Lauren is a recipient of the Rising Star Award for her wonderful patient care and attention to patients. Lauren recognized a change in a patient’s condition and quickly identified the patient as...
The CARE team received a nomination for Stacey Paryag-Stevens for her dedication to our lab program. Jamie Kendall, Director of the Lab, told us that laboratory often struggles with staffing and getting qualified Medical Technologists to join our team. Stacey is the...