Five years ago this past September, my Dad, Jim Mulkey, had an accident in which he broke his neck and suffered a spinal cord injury. He was left partially paralyzed and as a result of complications from the fractured vertebrae, he had to undergo the insertion of a peg tube for his nutrition, and later, a tracheotomy. After a lengthy eight month hospital stay where he completed intense rehabilitation, he was able to return home. Doctors from the Memorial Medical Group(MMG), and their staff, have been a wonderful resource in managing my Dad’s ongoing overall care since his return home.
With the challenges my Dad continues to face, sometimes, emergency situations involving his health can arise. When they do, we are so fortunate to have access right here in Southwest Oklahoma to outstanding, personalized care at the Drewry Family Emergency Center. My Dad has been treated four times over the past four years. The doctors, nurses and staff have done a great job meeting his very specialized needs. Our family is so grateful knowing that help is right here at home when and if we need it.
Despite all of the obstacles my Dad has faced, he has continued to progress every year since the accident and is now walking! Thanks to CCMH for helping us along the journey!
“Care such as this is why I continue to support Comanche County Memorial Hospital Foundation’s goal: To reinvest all profits back into Comanche County Memorial Hospital for renovations, improvements, and the purchase of new advanced technology and equipment. I hope you will join me and consider ending the year with a gift to support Southwest Oklahoma’s community hospital.”
Kim Dodds,
Comanche County Memorial Hospital Foundation Supporter
If you have any questions please contact: Lea Ann Chandler, Director, Comanche County Memorial Hospital
Foundation, by email: or phone: 580.250.5989.