Twenty-six Oklahoma hospitals recently received awards for perinatal care from the Oklahoma Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative. The awards were presented at the 10th annual summit of the Oklahoma Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative on Nov. 19 in conjunction with the Oklahoma Hospital Association annual conference.
Approximately 200 providers and advocates of maternal and infant care came together to acknowledge efforts and celebrate progress toward improving outcomes for Oklahoma’s mothers and babies.
Hospitals receiving the “Spotlight Hospital Awards” were recognized for achievement in the areas of low rates of early elective deliveries, certification by Cribs for Kids as a Safe Sleep Hospital, achieving breastfeeding Baby-Friendly designation, implementing TeamBirth, a shared decision-making process for communication, and more.
“At OPQIC, we are deeply grateful for the dedication and hard work of Oklahoma hospitals in providing exceptional care for moms and babies across the state. The Spotlight Awards give us the opportunity to publicly celebrate these hospitals for their unwavering commitment to improving maternal and infant health outcomes,” said Barbara O’Brien, MS, RN, director, OPQIC.

Receiving “Spotlight Hospital” awards for 2024 were:
Chickasaw Nation Medical Center, Ada
Comanche County Memorial Hospital, Lawton
INTEGRIS Health Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City
INTEGRIS Health Canadian Valley Hospital, Yukon
Norman Regional HealthPlex
Stillwater Medical Center