We have been an Advanced Primary Stroke Center (PSC) through The Joint Commission since 2016. Although the foundation to achieve and provide better stroke care started years earlier with Debbie Cofer, RN, BSN, CPHQ; Debra Schultz, RN and an assembled stroke team of various areas. As an Advanced Primary Stroke Center we must report on several metrics to improve the overall quality of stroke care. We concurrently track and report measures set by CMS and Get With The Guidelines. This program has enabled our facility’s stroke care to continuously improve and enhance the overall stroke system of care here in Southwest Oklahoma. Not only is it a goal to improve stroke care, but to also raise awareness in regards to stroke signs and symptoms. Community education in raising awareness is a key factor in prevention and earlier treatment of stroke. There are many requirements that we must fullfill as an organization to be a PSC. It is a true team effort! We have a stroke team that meets on a monthly basis and they continually help come up with solutions and ideas to overcome obstacles that challenge us from time to time. It is because of the dedication of our stroke team, ED nurses, physicians & residents, pharmacy, lab, and CT that we have achieved over the National Average in giving tPA within 45 minutes. It is also because of our incredible team with addition of unit nurses from all units, physicians, hospitalists, therapy, neurologists, and education that we were awarded the American Heart Association Bronze Award in 2018. This year one of our goals is to achieve the AHA Silver Award and we are on track.
CCMH Recertified as an Advanced Primary Stroke Center