Western Oklahoma State College has a long-standing partnership with Comanche County Memorial Hospital. WOSC established its nursing program in 1981 and opened an additional site location in Lawton on the Cameron University campus in 2003. CCMH offers access to the most critical areas of nursing care. From 2004-2011, CCMH has donated more than $850,000 to support the WOSC nursing program. CCMH has also provided an excellent clinical experience for the nursing students with many of CCMH’s own employees serving as clinical instructors for the program. In 2018, WOSC started an online LPN-to-RN track as part of the nursing program and is scheduled to graduate more than 100 nursing students in 2019. WOSC continues to partner with CCMH to research ways to expand the nursing program in the Lawton area. This partnership provides well-trained, highly educated registered nurses to meet the health care needs of southwest Oklahoma.
CCMH Receives Regents Business Partnership Excellence Award