by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 23, 2021 | Community Health, Healthy Living, LCHC
Hepatitis, in all forms, can be scary. You may think you already know everything about this disease; however, hepatitis doesn’t just come with a list of symptoms or prescribed medications. Many people living with hepatitis also face social stigmas after diagnosis....
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 19, 2021 | Community Health
COVID-19 vaccines are safe COVID-19 vaccines were developed using science that has been around for decades. COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental. Extensive testing and monitoring have shown that these vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines have received...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 16, 2021 | Community Health, Pediatrics
Arthritis is often associated with aging and aching joints and is normally expected in older adults. However, juvenile arthritis (JA) can develop in children. JA is an inflammatory arthritic condition that involves your autoimmune systems and can vary in severity....
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 12, 2021 | Community Health
Several states surrounding Oklahoma are seeing a steep uptick in COVID cases. This will begin to affect hospitals in our state, as these surrounding areas become more pressed for available hospitals beds to send patients to. OKC and Tulsa metro areas are getting...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 9, 2021 | Community Health, Healthy Living
The summer heat can be brutal. One minute you’re in air conditioning and feeling great. The next minute, you step outside and immediately start sweating and lose fluids. People who primarily workout or exercise outdoors understand. However, even those who are used to...
by Comanche County Memorial Hospital | Jul 5, 2021 | CCMH Community, Community Health
If a team member or their loved ones would like the convenience of getting the vaccine, July 8, 2021, is the last opportunity to get your COVID vaccine series started through the hospital. The pharmacy stockpile of vaccine will expire at the end of the month and they...