CCMH continues to strive to lead Southwest Oklahoma in healthcare excellence during these unprecedented times. We take our commitment to caring for our community seriously, and providing the best individualized care for our patients. We have seen a surge in patient numbers recently, especially in COVID positive patients requiring the specialized care that hospitalization provides. As little as two months ago we were averaging 10-15 COVID positive patients hospitalized at one time; today, we are averaging 50+. Many of these patients experience lengthy hospital stays, and, unfortunately, we have lost many members of our community to this pandemic. Our healthcare heroes show up to work daily ready to fight on our patients’ behalf, and ready to ensure each patient knows they are not alone.
We have an Incident Command team that is at the helm of decision making, resource gathering, and knowledge sharing. The Incident Command team helps ensure team members and patients have what they need to successfully heal, as well as making sure policies and procedures are supported by the best and most up-to-date information and evidence-based practices. They are also at the forefront of organizing the vaccine distribution effort, tasked with ensuring all employees who want to receive the COVID vaccine have access to it. Several hundred team members have already received the vaccine over the course of five different vaccination days. These efforts will continue to ensure any staff who wants to receive the vaccine can do so in a timely manner.
CCMH continues to encourage the community to seek medical care for everything from minor issues to major emergencies. While it is our hope you never need us, we stand ready and able to serve you when you do.