The CARE team received a nomination for Stacey Paryag-Stevens for her dedication to our lab program. Jamie Kendall, Director of the Lab, told us that laboratory often struggles with staffing and getting qualified Medical Technologists to join our team. Stacey is the School of Medical Technology Program Director and she works tirelessly to educate future Medical Laboratory Scientists so they are able to fill the demands of their profession.
Stacey went above and beyond and researched ways to implement a new strategy to bring on more help through a Lab Assistant to Medical Laboratory Scientist program. This new program allows college graduates with a bachelor’s of science degree the opportunity to come on board and work limitedly in the lab, while training and attending lectures to become certified in one of 3 categories of Chemistry, Hematology, or Microbiology. We were able to bring on 3 additional Lab Assistants this year to begin this process, and now have our first Lab assistant that graduated our program and is Nationally certified as an MLS in Chemistry, and our second Lab Assistant that will be eligible to set for the National certification in Hematology later this year. It is through Stacey’s dedication and hard work we were able to be the first program to offer this opportunity to fill these much needed positions in our organization.
The CARE team is proud to present a Rising Star award to Stacey for all that she has done, and continues to do, for our Medical Technology program and our organization.